26th Half-marathon PHILIPS in Poland
September 2016 in town Pila/Poland took place 26th half-marathon under the patronage of PHILIPS company with over 3700 runners including 137 Polish police officers...
I was on an internship in England …
In the period from 17 to 24 June 2014, I was on an internship within the Police Placement Programme at the Provincial Headquarters for...
Meeting with IPA Serbia in Krynica
Declaration of cooperation between IPA Poland and IPA Serbia officially signed!
Placement Programme in Germany
As part of the Placement Programme through the International Police Association, I had the opportunity to participate in the international exchange of police officers....
Placement Programm in Germany
On 26 June this year, in the framework of the IPA international cooperation I went from Kalisz to the city of Oldenburg in Germany...
29th International Halfmarathon Signify PHILIPS Piła 2019
On the 8th of September about 2700 runners from Poland and other countries took part in the 29th International Halfmarathon Signify PHILIPS in Piła,...
Group of Irish policemen (Garda) visited Podhale
From 04/03/2019 - 10/03/2019, a 16-member group of Irish policemen (Garda) - those in active service and those already retired - visited Podhale.
Online meeting of the IPA Poland national board
Due to the constant health threat associated with the coronavirus pandemic and legal restrictions in this regard in Poland, the IPA Poland National Board...
WPIST 2015 – that was just the first time
WPIST (World Police Indoor Soccer Tournament) – has been held for the 33rd time.
This time the Marveld Resort in the Netherlands welcomed over...
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