XXth International Football Tournament IPA Poznań 2018


On 23-26.08.2018 took place the XXth International Football Tournament IPA Poznań. It’s an event which integrates the law enforcement society through a friendly competition.

In this years edition participated 16 teams both national and international. The games were performed by the representatives of Police, Penitentiary Service, City Guard, Military Counterinteligence Service, Military Police and others. Among international guests participants represented Ukraine, Romania and Hungary

This years Tournament was held under the patronage of:

– Chief of the Regional Police Headquarters in Poznań insp. Piotr Mąka,

– Wielkopolska Voivodeship Marshal Marek Woźniak,

– President of the city of Poznań Jacek Jaśkowiak,

– Poznań Starosta Jan Grabkowski,

– President of the Polish IPA Section Fryderyk Orepuk,

– Chairman of the Polish Olimpic Committee Andrzej Kraśnicki.

From the first day of group gameplay emerged 8 teams which on the Saturday fornoon have contested during semifinals, midfinals and finals.

After a close contest the teams of County Police HQ in Jarocin and Convoy Department had competed in the match for the III place, while IPA Poznań team fought for the victory in the finals. Despite of their high spirits the hosts were defeated by the ukrainian team 1:0 / after the goal from a free kick /.

Final table of the Tournament:

1 place – IPA Czernichov Ukrain / National Academy of the Penitentiary Service /

2 place – IPA Poznań

3 place – Convoy Department of the Regional Police HQ in Poznań

4 place – County Police HQ in Jarocin

5 place – City Police HQ in Poznań

6 place – IPA Gostyń

7 place – Poznań City Guard

8 place – County Jail in Poznań

9 place – Warsaw Military Counterinteligence Service

10 place – IPA Gniezno

11 place – IPA Gyöngöys / Hungary /

12 place – IPA Lublin

13 place – North Poznań Police Station

14 place – Department of Prevention of the Regional Police HQ in Poznań

15 place – IPA Bihor 3 Oradea / Romania /

16 place – Starost’s Office of the Poznań Poviat

The capstone of the anniversary Tournament was an evening meeting at the barbecue, during which competitors received cups, medals and individual rewards for:

The Oldest Competitor of the Tournament col. Petru Long from IPA Bihor 3 / Romania /,

The Best Goalkeeper of the Tournament Maciej Lubczyński from IPA Poznań,

The Best Shooter of the Tournament / with the score of 6 goals / Vladyslav Kunyk from IPA Czernichov /

The teams are already set for the next meeting in 2019 in Poznań.

/ text and photo / Witold Drzażdżyński IPA Poznań