IPA – basic information
IPA stands for International Police Association and was founded January 1, 1950 by the British Police Sergeant Sir Arthur Troop. It is an independent association of police officers from all over the world without distinction of degree, education, gender, race, skin colour, language and religion. The association is neutral politically, economically, and religiously. Belonging to the IPA undertakes to comply with the Declaration of Human Rights, which was set in 1948. The Association has its own information and training centre located in Gimborn near Cologne, Germany. The aim of the organization is to create bonds of genuine friendship and professional camaraderie between the employed in the police services around the world. The Association is now about 400 000 police officers from 66 countries. Since 1977, IPA is the largest police association in the world and has a consultative statute of the Council of Europe and consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The seat of the association is Switzerland, and its supreme authority is the World Congress, held every three years. The motto of the association in Esperanto is “Servo per Amikeco” (service through friendship).