Polish Section Statute
This Polish Section Statute was adopted on 20 August 1991, in Poznań, amended by the 3rd IPA Polish Section Congress on 6 December 1998, in Soczewka, amended by the 5th IPA Polish Section Congress on 13-14 November 2004, in Łączna, amended by the 6th IPA Polish Section Congress, in Bochnia, on 29 September 2007, amended by the 10th IPA Polish Section Congress, in Łódź, on 18 June 2011, and amended by the 11th Extraordinary IPA Polish Section Congress, in Łódź, on 14 April 2018.
Chapter 1
Article 1
The association shall be called the „International Police Association” Polish Section, hereinafter called the „Association”.
Article 1a
The Association undertakes to follow the rules contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and recognizes that all forms of torture are strictly incompatible with these principles.
Article 2
IPA – Polish Section operates in the Republic of Poland and abroad.
Article 3
1. The seat of the Office of the IPA – Polish Section shall be in the city of Poznań.
2. The IPA – Polish Section National Board Office shall be housed at the Secretary General.
Article 4
1. The IPA – Polish Section shall consist of 17 Provincial Groups named after the names of the provinces (voivodeships). The operation areas of the Provincial Groups shall coincide with the administrative division of the country:
a) (Warsaw) Metropolitan Group,
b) Lower Silesian Provincial Group,
c) Cuyavian-Pomeranian Provincial Group,
d) Lublin Provincial Group,
e) Lubusz Provincial Group,
f) Łódź Provincial Group,
g) Lesser Poland Provincial Group,
h) Mazovian Provincial Group,
i) Opole Provincial Group,
j) Podkarpacie Provincial Group,
k) Podlachian Provincial Group,
l) Pomeranian Provincial Group,
m) Silesian Provincial Group,
n) Holy Cross Provincial Group,
o) Warmian-Masurian Provincial Group,
p) Greater Poland Provincial Group,
r) West Pomeranian Provincial Group.
2. The IPA – Polish Section and its Provincial Groups shall have legal personality.
- The IPA – Polish Section and its Provincial Groups and the IPA Regions may conduct business activities based on the laws in force in this regard.
- Deleted.
- The income from the IPA – Polish Section and its Provincial Groups and the IPA Regions activities shall serve the statutory purposes and shall not be distributed among the members.
Article 5
The Association’s international motto, in Esperanto, shall be „SERVO PER AMIKECO” (service through friendship).
Article 6
The emblems of the IPA are protected by copyright. They may only be used by the IPA – Polish Section and its structures and the Association members, commercial purposes excluded.
Chapter 2
Article 7
The International Statute of the International Police Association and the Polish legal regulations form the basis of this Statute.
Chapter 3
Article 8
- IPA – Polish Section is in favor of cooperation with all national sections. Its purpose and the task is to create the bonds of genuine, professional friendship and camaraderie between the retirees and the employed in the police service in the world, as well as to establish international cooperation and promoting the idea of tolerance in all cultural areas, and to contribute to the understanding between nations.
- In addition, the objectives of the Association are:
- the development of cultural contacts between its members,
- improvement of general knowledge and exchange of professional experiences,
- conducting charitable and social activities,
- contribution to the peaceful co-existence of nations and the maintenance of world peace.
- Deleted.
- IPA – Polish Section is neutral towards political organizations, trade unions, religious communities and religious organizations, following in the attainment of its tasks only ideological objectives of the Association.
- The IPA – Polish Section structures are required to actively participate in achieving the objectives of the IPA based on this Statute.
Article 8a
- The IPA – Polish Section and its structures can carry out public benefit activities in the sphere of public tasks defined in the Act of 24 April 2003 on public benefit and volunteering, in particular in the area of:
1) social assistance, including aid offered to disadvantaged families and individuals, and ensuring equal opportunities to such families and individuals;
2) supporting family and foster care system;
3) providing free legal assistance and increasing legal awareness of the society;
4) professional and social integration and reintegration of persons threatened with social exclusion;
5) charity work;
6) preserving national traditions; sustaining Polish identity and developing national, civic, and cultural awareness;
7) work to support national and ethnic minorities and regional languages;
8) activities for the integration of foreigners;
9) protection and promotion of health, including healing activities within the meaning of the Act;
10) work to support the disabled;
11) promoting employment and professional activation of the unemployed and individuals threatened with job loss;
12) promoting equal rights of women and men;
13) work to support the elderly;
14) promotion of economic growth and entrepreneurship;
15) promotion of development of new technologies, inventions and innovation, transfer and implementation of new technologies for companies;
16) work to support the development of local communities;
17) science, education, coaching, and upbringing;
18) activities for children and youth, including the recreation of children and adolescents;
19) culture, art, protection of culture and national heritage;
20) promoting physical culture and sports;
21) ecology, animal protection, protection of natural heritage;
22) tourism and knowledge touring;
23) public order and security;
24) national defense and the activity of Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland;
25) promoting and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, work to support the development of democracy;
26) providing free civic advice;
27) rescue systems and protection of residents;
28) aid to victims of calamities, natural disasters, armed conflicts and warfare – in Poland and abroad;
29) promoting and protecting consumer rights;
30) work to support European integration, and the development of contacts and
co-operation between societies;
31) promoting and organizing voluntary work;
32) aid extended to Poles and Polish community abroad;
33) work to support the veterans and persons who have undergone State repression;
34) promotion of the Republic of Poland abroad;
35) work to support families, promote motherhood and parenthood; promote and protect the rights of children;
36) prevention of addictions and social pathology;
37) activities of non-governmental organizations and entities mentioned in the Act, to the extent specified in paragraphs 1 – 36;
38) supporting other entities whose activities are consistent with IPA objectives – Polish Section within the framework of the Public Benefit Organization.
2. To achieve the goals referred to in section 1, IPA – Polish Section and its structures may carry out paid and unpaid public benefit activities.
Article 9
To achieve the objectives the Association aims, in particular by:
- Conducting national and international scientific symposia, meetings and seminars to study the professional, cultural and others problems.
- Promoting and conducting individual and group study tours.
- Promoting and conducting events educating young people (travels, youth exchanges, youth seminars).
- The exchange and publication of information in the field of professional activities mainly by issuing of the IPA – Polish Section magazine .
- Striving to develop personal contacts with members of other national sections in a spirit of mutual understanding and assistance.
- Strengthening a sense of respect for law and order among the police services.
- Aiming to raise the prestige of the Police and Border Guard in particular by improving the state of knowledge about the formations in society and the improvement of relations between the public and the Police and Border Guard.
- Promoting and facilitating the exchange of experiences with members of other national sections and thus endeavouring a raising level of professional and general knowledge.
- Co-participating in the preparation of Polish and international bibliography of works on the problem of police and the Association.
- Development of cooperation in the sphere of professional, social, cultural, sports and tourism with other national sections and between structures in the country.
- Initiating an exchange of correspondence for maintaining and getting in touch, and to support the teaching of foreign languages.
- Deleted.
- Deleted.
Article 9a
Chapter 4
Article 10
- Deleted.
- The members of the IPA – Polish Section may be persons on duty at the Police or Border Guard and the pensioners of these formations who are not convicted of an offense or a fiscal offense, intentional, prosecuted by indictment.
2a. Congress of Delegates, by a resolution, may extend qualification for membership in the Association.
- Deleted.
- Deleted.
- There shall be the following categories of membership in the Association:
- ordinary membership,
- associated membership.
- Membership in the Association is voluntary.
- Ordinary membership may be obtained in an IPA Region after filling in a declaration and a payment of membership fee.
- Admission to an ordinary membership of the Association may be refused without giving a reason. Negative decision may be appealed to the Board of the Provincial Group, and its resolution on the matter is final.
- Deleted.
- Associate membership may be obtained by a police officer from another country, which still does not have a national section of the IPA. Admitting a member shall be considered by the National Executive Committee at the request of the Provincial Group Executive Committee, of which she or he will be a member in the case of a positive decision.
- Deleted.
Article 11
- Membership shall be terminated as a result of:
- taking one’s name of the books in the case of:
- voluntary withdrawal of a member,
- non-payment a membership fee for more than a year,
- the death of a member;
- an exclusion in the case of a conviction by final verdict for an intentional crime, prosecuted by indictment or gross violation of the IPA Statute.
1a. The deletion occurs automatically under the Statute. Re-adoption of the deleted member is held in accordance with Article 10.7.
1b. A resolution to expel a member shall be adopted by the National Board at the request of Provincial Group Board. The expelled member may appeal to the Congress of Delegates.
1c. In the case of loss of membership, the previously paid membership fee shall not be refunded.
1d. A gross violation of the statute are intentional behaviors, causing severe effects, including:
1) harming the good name of the Association;
2) violation of budgetary discipline;
3) misappropriation of funds or property of the Association;
4) lack of access, transfer, current and archive documentation in the scope of statutory and financial matters;
5) confirmation of untruth while performing functional tasks, in particular, accepting people as ordinary members who do not meet the requirements of the statute.
- Deleted.
- Associate membership shall not be continued once a national section of the IPA has been established in a country, after its adoption by the International Executive Council (IEC).
- For outstanding contributions to the Association members and supporters of its activities may be honored or awarded.
- Deleted.
- The detailed procedure to be followed in connection with the acquisition, receipt or loss of membership, as well as the forms and procedures for the granting of awards are specified in the Rules.
Article 12
Article 13
Members of the IPA – Polish Section shall have the right to:
a) elect and be elected to bodies of the Association,
b) participate in the work of the Association,
c) submit proposals and suggestions on the activities of the Association.
Article 14
Members of the IPA – Polish Section shall:
a) pursue the goals and tasks of the Association,
b) comply with the Statute, resolutions and decisions of the Association,
c) timely pay a fixed annual fee,
d) notify the Region’s Executive Committee of conviction by final sentence for an intentional crime, being subject to public prosecution.
Chapter 5
Article 15
- IPA – Polish Section is the national association, which is divided into Provincial Groups and IPA Regions.
- Deleted.
- Regions are the basic, local structures of the IPA – Polish Section, forming the Provincial Groups.
3a. Where on the territory of the activities of the Provincial Group there is only one Region – it has competence, respectively, as the Provincial Group.
- Deleted.
- Within the province (voivodeship) exists only one Provincial Group of the same name as the province. In the case of Warsaw there shall exist the Metropolitan Group.
- Establishment of a Provincial Group or a Region, referred to in section 3a, shall be approved by the National Executive Committee.
- Establishment of the Region, at the request of the Board of the Provincial Group, shall be approved by the National Board.
- Deleted.
- Deleted.
- The Region is composed of at least 15 members.
- Deleted.
- Deleted.
Article 15a
- Statutory Bodies, referred to in Article 16a section 1, 2 and 3, shall observe the resolutions of the authorities within their structure as well as of the senior management. This principle also applies to the resolution of appeals, unless a specific provision provides otherwise.
- Deleted.
- Assembly of the statutory bodies of the IPA – Polish Section shall be valid only if there participates more than half of the members or delegates belonging to the body, who were previously invited to the meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Rules, unless the Statute provides otherwise.
- Meeting of the members of the IPA Region is valid, if the members were invited to it in accordance with the requirements of the Rules. The legitimacy of the meeting does not in this case depend on the number of members attending the meeting.
- In order to obtain the legitimacy of the meeting it is allowed to participate in a telephone or Internet connectivity. This principle does not apply to meetings of the authorities of the Association.
- At a meeting of the executive committee, in the case of a tie, the decisive vote shall belong to the chairman of the meeting.
- The provision of section 5 and 6 shall apply to issue commissions and audit committees.
- The mode of convening and conducting meetings of the statutory bodies specified is shown in the Rules.
Article 15b
1. All Association’s bodies make decisions through resolutions.
2. The content of the resolution subject to the vote shall be submitted in writing by the applicant.
3. In less important matters, decisions can be made by acclamation.
4. The resolution is legally binding if it was adopted by a simple majority of votes, unless the statute provides otherwise.
Article 15c
1. The IPA Region may have legal personality. The conditions for obtaining legal personality by the IPA Region are:
1) adoption of an appropriate resolution by the authority concerned;
2) making it probable that the IPA Region will be able to fulfill its obligations under the law, independently or with the help of external entities;
3) obtaining the consent of the National Board at the request of the Board of the Provincial Group.
2. A field unit with legal personality acts in its own name and on its own account in contacts with external entities.
3. The procedure for the establishment of the Provincial Group or the IPA Region and the acquisition of legal personality are set out in the Rules of Operation.
Article 16
- The bodies of authority of the Association are:
- Congress of Delegates;
- Provincial Group Assembly of Delegates;
- General Assembly of the Region Members.
- The governing bodies of the Association are:
- National Board;
- Provincial Group Board.
- The executive bodies of the Association are:
- National Executive Committee;
- Provincial Group Executive Committee;
- Region Executive Committee.
- At the Region level, the executive body also serves as the managing authority.
- The Audit Committee is a collegial body of internal control.
Article 16 b
- The members of the managing and implementing bodies of the Association may not be persons convicted for an offense prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal offense.
- The Audit Committee is a body separate from the management and executive bodies not subject to them in the performance of internal control, and the members of the Audit Committee:
- may not be members of the governing and executive body, or remain with them married, in cohabitation, ties, kinship or subordination;
- have not been convicted for an offense prosecuted by indictment or a fiscal offense;
- may receive, for performing positions in the body, the reimbursement of reasonable costs or compensation in an amount not greater than the average monthly salary in the corporate sector announced by the Central Statistical Office President for the previous year.
Article 17
- The highest authority of the IPA – Polish Section shall be the Congress of Delegates. Delegates shall be elected during the meetings of provincial groups’ delegates while maintaining proportionality 1 delegate to 150 members. The delegate mandate will expire after the National Board resolution on the convening of the next ordinary congress.
1a. If the Provincial Group has fewer than 150 members, it receives 1 mandate.
- Congress of Delegates shall be convened by the National Board by a mode:
- ordinary, referred to in section 1, at the request of the National Executive Committee;
- extraordinary, at the request of 1/3 of the provincial groups expressed in the resolutions of the boards of these groups or at the initiative of the Audit Committee of the IPA – Polish Section or at the request of the National Executive Committee, stating the purpose and reason for convention.
- Congress shall be legally valid if attended by at least half of the delegates.
- Resolutions of the Congress shall be adopted by a simple majority of delegates, unless the provisions of the Statute provide otherwise.
4a. Deleted.
- Deleted.
- The President, on behalf of the outgoing National Executive Committee shall submit a written report on its activity for the period since the last Congress.
- The Chairman of the Audit Committee shall submit a written assessment of the activities of the outgoing National Executive Committee and a request to grant or not to grant discharge to the individual members. She/he shall also submit a written report on the activities of the Audit Committee.
- Members of the National Executive Committee, after obtaining a discharge, and the members of the Audit Committee, after approval of the report on their activities, may obtain a delegate mandate to the Congress, unless they do not have a written recommendation of their provincial groups’ meetings. The resolution in this case shall be adopted by the Congress of Delegates with the concerned persons’ consent.
- The terms and conditions, rules and detailed procedure in relation to the convening of the Congress of Delegates is shown in the Rules.
Article 18
The powers of the Congress of Delegates shall be following:
- Election of the President of the IPA – Polish Section.
- Adoption of programs and major activities of the Association.
- The selection and dismissal of members of the National Executive Committee and the Audit Committee.
- Consideration and approval of the activity reports of the National Board and the Audit Committee.
4a. Granting discharge to the outgoing members of the National Executive Committee.
- Making a resolution to dissolve the Polish Section of the IPA and the regulation of its assets.
- Resolving amendments to the Statutes of the Association.
- Determination of the method of financing.
- Determination of the number of members of the National Executive Committee and the Audit Committee.
- Consideration of appeals against the resolutions of the National Board, National Executive Committee, Provincial Group Assembly of Delegates, and of the Audit Committee of the IPA – Polish Section. Resolutions taken in this mode are final.
Article 18 a
- The National Board of the IPA – Polish Section is the governing body between congresses and competent approval authority.
- The National Board consists of the members of the National Executive Committee and of the presidents of the provincial groups.
- At a meeting of the National Board, by a resolution of the Provincial Group Executive Committee, President of the Provincial Group may be represented by another member of the Group Executive Committee, acting as proxy.
- Meeting of the National Board shall be convened by the resolution of the National Executive Committee, at least once every six months. The meeting is chaired by the President of the Polish Section of the IPA or a person acting as proxy.
Article 18 b
The powers of the National Board shall be in particular:
- adoption of the budget estimate;
- approval of the financial statements and balance sheets of the National Board in accordance with financial regulations;
- adopting the amount and rules of distribution of membership fees in the Association;
- adoption of a resolution on expulsion of a member from the Association;
- granting awards and approving candidates to be honored;
- the supervision of the National Executive Committee in the management of financial affairs of the Association;
- approval of the organization of the National Board Office;
- appointing commissions for specific statutory purposes;
- appointing the chief editor of the journal of the Polish Section of the IPA;
- adoption of the amendments to the Rules and regulations referred to in Article 21 section 2 paragraph 6;
- consideration of appeals against the resolutions of the governing bodies of the lower level; the resolutions taken in this mode are final.
Article 19
- Persons authorized to represent the Polish Section of the IPA are: the President or a person acting as proxy and one of the members of the National Executive Committee, and to represent a Provincial Group – the Group President or a person acting as proxy and one of the members of the Group Executive Committee, and to represent a Region – the Chairman of the Region or a person acting as proxy and one of the members of the Region Executive Committee.
- Persons authorized to enter into financial commitments on behalf of the Polish Section of the IPA, the Provincial Groups and Regions of the persons mentioned in section 1. The second member of the Executive Committee shall be the Treasurer.
- Deleted.
- The President of the Polish Section of the IPA can be represented by the Vice President authorized in writing by the President or designated by resolution of the National Executive Committee. This applies accordingly to Provincial Group President and Region Chairman.
- The procedure and rules for conducting the Polish Section of the IPA, including the substitution of office holders, are as shown in the Rules.
Article 20
- The executive body – directing current affairs, is the National Executive Committee.
- Deleted.
- Should the Congress decide otherwise, the National Executive Committee consist of:
- the Polish Section President;
- Vice President (three in number);
- Secretary-General;
- Deputy Secretary-General;
- Treasurer;
- Deputy Treasurer;
- Member of the National Executive Committee – Chairman of the issue commission.
- The work of the National Executive Committee shall be conducted by the President or the person acting as proxy.
- Assistants to the Secretary-General shall act within the area of relations with National IPA Sections.
- Deleted.
- The National Executive Committee may apply to the National Board on the organization of the National Board Office and the appointment of issue commissions for specific statutory purposes.
- The National Executive Committee shall meet at the request of the President, a person acting as proxy, or at the request of 1/3 of its members not less than 4 times a year.
- The method of appointment and the specific tasks of the National Board Office, issue commissions and assistants are as shown in the Rules.
Article 21
- Deleted.
- The powers of the National Executive Committee, shall be in particular:
- current managing the work of the Association;
- supervision of the activities and appointing assistants for contacts with the national sections of the IPA;
- supervision of the editing of the IPA – Polish Section journal;
- convening meetings of the National Board;
- preparation of a project and implementation of budget estimate;
- preparing draft rules in those situations where the Statute does not mention it, and it is necessary for the efficient functioning of the Association;
- determining the type of documentation, rules and deadlines of the reporting by Groups and Regions, according to the needs of national and international authorities of the IPA;
- determining the responsibilities of the National Executive Committee office holders;
- supervising the work of the National Board Office and appointed commissions.
- Detailed rules for reporting are as shown in the Rules.
Article 22
Article 22 a
- The Audit Committee shall be elected by the competent authority at the level of the Polish Section of the IPA, Provincial Groups and Regions. It shall be assessed by the same authority.
- The powers and responsibilities of the committee relate to the principal structure of the Association, as well as the downstream structures in the cases of:
- not taking action by the proper Audit Committee,
- not ending of activities within two months of being informed of irregularities.
- The Commission shall consist of at least two members who shall elect a chairman from among themselves.
- The chairman initiates controls and is responsible for the performance of statutory duties set forth in Article 23. The audit teams may consist of members of audit committees of lower levels.
- Mode and detailed scope of activities of the Audit Committee are as shown in the Audit Committee Activities Rules annexed to the Statute.
Article 23
- The duties of the Audit Committee, shall be in particular:
- control of the management and executive bodies of the same level at least once in the year, and in any case after the year-end balance sheet in the context of:
- the regularity of the planning and execution of the budget and the financial balance sheet, with particular emphasis on funds raised by the Association in connection with a public benefit organization activities,
- statutory activities of the management and executive bodies;
- reporting to proper statutory authority of the controls carried out;
- submitting an application for the discharge to the outgoing executive body;
- taking the ad hoc control:
- in the case of disclosure of actions violating the regulations applicable in the Polish Section of the IPA,
- to determine the status of compliance with applicable regulations;
- to report on the work of the commission at the end of the term of office.
- control of the management and executive bodies of the same level at least once in the year, and in any case after the year-end balance sheet in the context of:
- The Chairman or a member of the audit committee has the right to participate in a meeting of the statutory bodies of his/her level, and in a meeting of other bodies – at their invitation.
- The duty of the executive committee shall be to notify the competent audit committee chairman of the date of the meeting of the authority referred to above.
Article 24
Article 25
Article 26
Article 27
Article 28
Article 29
Article 29 a
- A local authority of the IPA – Polish Section shall be the Provincial Group Meeting of Delegates convened by a resolution of the Provincial Group Executive Committee.
- The Provincial Group President, on behalf of the outgoing Provincial Group Executive Committee shall submit a written report for the term of office.
- Provincial Group Meeting of Delegates shall be conducted at least once a term, and its powers include:
- determining the specific tasks and the directions of activities of the Provincial Group;
- reviewing and approving the work of the Provincial Group Executive Committee and the Audit Committee, for the term of office;
- examination of appeals against the resolutions of the Group Board and general meetings of the Regions, the audit recommendations of the audit committees appointed in the Group structure, and then adopting resolutions in this regard;
- the election and dismissal of the Provincial Group Executive Committee and the Audit Committee members;
- the election of delegates to the Congress of Delegates and providing a recommendation referred to in Article 17. 8;
- determining the number of members of the Provincial Group Executive Committee and the Audit Committee;
- determining the number of representatives of the Regions composing the Provincial Group Board;
- granting of discharge to the outgoing members of the Provincial Group Executive Committee;
- determination of the amount and principles of distribution of voluntary contributions to the Group, at the request of the Region Executive Committee or a Group Board.
Article 29 b
- A local governing body of the Association shall be the Provincial Group Board, which has the power of approval body.
- Meetings of the Provincial Group Board shall be convened by resolution of the Group Executive Committee or at the request of 1/2 of the Regions, as expressed in the resolution of the Region Executive Committee, giving the agenda.
- The Provincial Group Board shall be composed of the members of the Group Executive Committee and representatives of subordinate Regions.
- The number of representatives of the Regions, referred to above, is equal to or greater than the number of members of the Group Executive Committee. Chairman of the Region is one of the members of the Provincial Group Board.
- The Provincial Group Board activities shall be conducted by the Provincial Group President or a person acting as proxy.
Article 30
- Deleted.
- The Provincial Group Board competence, shall be in particular:
- adoption of the Group’s estimates,
- determining the amount and rules for distribution of the voluntary contribution at the disposal of the Group,
- deleted,
- appointing the chief editor of a newsletter of the Provincial Group,
- approval of the annual reports of the Provincial Group Executive Committee,
- collecting the reports to the audit committee of the checks carried out,
- approving the financial statements and the balance of the Group in accordance with financial regulations,
- convening of the Group delegates meetings,
- determining the rules for the election of delegates to a meeting of group delegates,
- appointing issue commissions for specific statutory purposes,
- adopting resolutions on the application of the exclusion of a member.
Article 30 a
- A local executive body of the Provincial Group shall be the Provincial Group Executive Committee which shall be composed of:
- Provincial Group President;
- Secretary;
- Deputy Secretary;
- Treasurer;
- Member of the Committee – the number of which depends on the needs and arrangements, identifying positions.
- Activities of the Provincial Group Executive Committee shall be conducted by the President or a person acting as proxy.
- The Provincial Group Executive Committee shall meet at the request of the person referred to in section 2 or at the request of 1/3 of members of this body.
Article 30 b
The tasks of the Provincial Group Executive Committee, shall be in particular:
1) implementation of resolutions and the current management of the activities of a specific structure of the Association;
2) convening of meetings of the Provincial Group Board;
3) development of responsibilities for the Executive Committee office holders;
4) project preparation and execution of the budget estimate;
5) preparation, for the Group Board, of the annual report on the work of the Executive Committee and the financial statements and balance sheets of the Group;
6) timely reporting on the activities of the Group.
Article 31
Article 31 a
- IPA Region shall be the basic organizational structure of the Association.
- A local authority of the IPA – Polish Section shall be the General Assembly (Meeting) of the Region Members convened by a resolution of the Region Executive Committee.
- General meetings of the Region members shall be held at least once a year, and their competence shall include:
- determining the specific tasks and the activity directions of the Region;
- considering and approving the annual reports of the Region Executive Committee and the Audit Committee;
- adopting and approving the execution of the budget estimate of the Region;
- adoption of the amount and the principles of distribution of an additional contribution available to the Region;
- election and dismissal of members of the Region Executive Committee and the Audit Committee as well as the Provincial Group Board members;
- election of delegates to the Provincial Group Assembly of Delegates;
- determining the number of members of the Region Executive Committee and the Audit Committee;
- granting of discharge to the outgoing members of the Region Executive Committee;
- examination of appeals against the resolutions of the Region Executive Committee and audit conclusions of the Audit Committee of the Region.
Article 32
- A local governing and executing body of a Region shall be the Region Executive Committee, which shall be composed of:
- Region Chairman;
- Secretary;
- Deputy Secretary;
- Treasurer;
- Member of the Committee – the number of which depends on the needs and arrangements, identifying positions.
- Activities of the Region Executive Committee shall be conducted by the Chairman or a person acting as proxy.
- Region Executive Committee shall meet at the request of the person referred to in section 2 or at the request of 1/3 of members of the Region Executive Committee.
Article 32 a
The tasks of the Region Executive Committee, shall be in particular:
- implementation of resolutions and the current management of the Region activities;
- preparation of the project and execution of the budget estimate;
- preparation of an annual report on the work of the Committee and the financial statements of the Region;
- convening meetings of the Region members;
- development of responsibilities for the Committee office holders;
- timely reporting on the activities of the Region.
Article 33
Article 34
Article 35
Article 36
- The duties of the organs of the IPA – Polish Section shall be performed gratuitously. President of the Polish Section shall perform the position no more than two terms.
- In cases considered legitimated by the police leadership, especially when the departmental regulations allow it and individual member’s tasks to be performed can be used professionally, a member can be temporarily officially delegated.
- National Board, Provincial Group Board and General Meeting of the Region Members, within available funds, may decide to reward the employment of persons necessary to perform the technical and administrative activities in its structure.
Article 36 a
- The term of office of all the organs of the Association shall be 4 years.
- Candidates may not be nominated or elected to position without their consent.
- Nominations for the national authorities shall be reported among the delegates to the congress.
- President may be elected from among the delegates who have at least five-year long membership in the IPA – Polish Section.
- The authority mentioned in Article 16a section 1 – at the meeting shall set out detailed rules for the conduct of elections in the structure, if the Statute does not specify this.
Article 37
- Elections to the authorities of the Association for one candidate shall be public unless the meeting decides otherwise.
- The candidate is considered elected after obtaining more than half of the votes present.
- In the event of failure to obtain the required majority of votes another candidate shall be declared.
- Deleted.
- In the case of the application of two or more candidates for the same position, the secret ballot shall be conducted.
- A candidate shall be considered elected after obtaining a simple majority of votes.
- Election of the President shall be considered final when the candidate receives more than half of the votes cast by delegates. In the absence of a qualified majority, the election of the President shall be made in the next round, out of two candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes in the previous round.
Chapter 5 a
Article 37a
- The Receivership is appointed by a higher authority in the event of gross or persistent violation of legal provisions or the Statute by the statutory bodies of the subordinate structure, if circumstances indicate that there are no prospects for an independent restoration of the law or Statute.
- The gross violation of The Statute by the authority is:
1) failure to submit a report on statutory activity or financial settlement at the required date;
2) failure to convene the meetings required by the Statute, in particular the reporting and election meeting;
3) refusal to provide current and archival documentation regarding statutory and financial matters;
4) evading the obligation to submit to the control of the Audit Committee.
Article 37 b
- The purpose of the Receivership is:
1) restoring the proper functioning of the IPA Polish Section structure, in particular, a convocation of a meeting of the authority to identify bodies capable of proper functioning of the structure;
2) removing the effects of irregularities;
3) implementation of tasks specified in the Association Act.
2. The costs of the Receivership’s activities are covered by the funds of the structure for which it was appointed.
3. In the absence of own resources, costs shall be covered by the structure
establishing the Receivership.
Article 37 c
1. The Receivership consists of 3 to 5 people.
2. The resolution establishing the Receivership indicates its chairman as well as the manner of representation of the field (local) unit.
3. The chairman leads the team and manages its work.
4. The Receivership should be composed of at least one representative of the Audit Committee of the superior unit.
5. On the day of appointing the Receivership, members of the management body of the field unit under the Statute shall be removed and their duties shall be taken over by the members of the Receivership.
6. The Receivership shall be appointed for the period necessary to appoint a new management body, not longer than 12 months.
Article 37 d
In the case of premises that prevent further operation of the field unit, the Receivership submits an application to the body that appointed it for the liquidation of the field unit.
Chapter 5 b
Article 37 e
1. In the case of liquidation of the field unit, the National Board appoints the liquidator.
2. The basis for the liquidation of the field unit is:
1) a resolution of the authority, taken at the request of the Receivership to dissolve the field unit;
2) a resolution of the National Board, adopted at the request of the Provincial Group Board in case the number of members of the Region is smaller than specified in the Statute;
3) resolution of the authority of the field unit on self-dissolution, approved by the National Board;
4) court order.
Article 37 f
1. The liquidator’s duty is to liquidate the association’s structure in the shortest possible time, in a manner securing liquidated assets against unjustified depletion.
2. The liquidator shall in particular:
1) notify the court about the initiation of liquidation proceedings and appointing the liquidator, giving his/her name, surname and address;
2) publicize information about the initiation of winding-up proceedings;
3) establish existing obligations to external entities and settle them;
4) terminate existing civil-legal contracts;
5) make appropriate notifications to competent authorities;
6) take other actions necessary to carry out the liquidation proceedings;
7) after the winding-up proceedings have been completed, apply to the court for deleting the dissolved structure of the IPA Polish Section from the National Court Register.
Article 37 g
The costs of the liquidation coincide with the assets of the liquidated structure of the Association.
Article 37 h
1. Assets remaining after the liquidation of the IPA Region, passes to the Provincial Group in which the Region was located, unless the resolution on self-dissolution provides otherwise.
2. The property remaining after the liquidation of the Provincial Group passes to the IPA – Polish Section, unless the resolution on self-dissolution provides otherwise.
Chapter 6
Article 38
- The source of income of the IPA – Polish Section shall be:
- membership fees,
- grants and donations,
- other sources permitted by law.
- In the Association and its local organizational units shall be prohibited:
- granting loans or securing financial commitment with the organization assets in relation to its members, bodies’ members or employees and persons with whom members, bodies’ members and employees are married, in cohabitation or consanguinity or affinity in a straight line relationship, or in consanguinity or affinity in the collateral line to the second degree, or are related by adoption, guardianship or custody, hereinafter referred to as “relatives”,
- transferring of their assets to their members, bodies’ members or employees and their relatives, in a manner other than in relation to third parties, in particular, if the transfer is free of charge or on preferential terms,
- using of property for the benefit of members, bodies’ members or employees and their relatives in a manner other than in relation to third parties, unless it is directly due to the statutory use,
- purchasing of goods or services from entities associated with members of the organization, members of its bodies, employees or their relatives, in a manner other than in relation to third parties, or at prices higher than the market.
- The Association and its local organizational units:
- shall conduct charitable activities referred to in Art. 4 of the Act of 24 April 2003 on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work, for the general public or a specific group of entities, provided that the group is distinguished due to the particularly difficult life or material situation in relation to society;
- may only conduct business as an extra in relation to the activities of public benefit;
- the excess of revenues over costs spent on the activities referred to in paragraph 1.
- The carrying out public benefit activities exclusively for the members of the Association shall be prohibited.
Article 38 a
- Determining the amount and method of distribution of contributions shall be within the competence of the authorities of the Association.
- The rules of registration and use of funds provided for the IPA under the tax deductions for public profit bodies are as shown in the Rules.
- Accounting IPA – Polish Section shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions set out in the Financial Regulations of the Rules.
Chapter 7
Article 39
- The application for National Board to change the Statute of the Association, at the latest in the year preceding the year of holding the Congress may submit:
- National Executive Committee;
- Provincial Group Executive Committee;
- Provincial Group Board.
1a. Should the application be supported by the National Board, the body appoints the Statutory Commission in order to develop draft amendments to the Statute.
- Resolution of the Congress of Delegates on the changes in the Statute of the Association shall be valid if cast in favor of at least 3/4 of the votes in the presence of at least 3/4 of the delegates.
- The method of appointment, the scope and duration of the Statutory Commission work are as shown in the Rules.
Article 40
- A request for termination of the Association may be provided by 3/4 of members of the National Board or 1/2 of the Association members.
1a. National Board convenes the Extraordinary Congress of Delegates within 6 months from the date of receipt of the request.
- Extraordinary Congress of Delegates shall resolve to terminate the Association by a majority of at least 3/4 of the votes in the presence of at least 3/4 of eligible delegates.
- In the event of dissolution of the Association, its property shall be transferred to one or more charitable organizations designated by the Extraordinary Congress of Delegates.
Chapter 8
Article 41
- National Executive Committee shall be responsible for drafting the Rules referred to in the Statute. The Rules shall be adopted by resolution of the National Board.
- Deleted.
- In cases not provided for in this Statute shall apply the Law on Associations.
Translation into English: Krzysztof Kapturski – IPA Polish Section Secretary General