Online meeting of National Sections Presidents and global authorities of the IPA


Due to the difficult situation connected with global coronavirus pandemic, global IPA authorities (International Executive Board) have decided to cancel World IPA Congress (practically they have postponed it to year 2021 ), which was to be held in Barcelona in the middle of October 2020.

Considering the necessity of making important decisions (resolutions) connected with the functioning of our association, National Sections Presidents were given time to analyse a pack of received documents, which consisted the reports on activity of the members of IEB, a report on the implementation of the budget and motions to adopt resolutions.

On the 13th of October, at 7 p.m. (British time), an Internet meeting of IEB with National Sections Presidents was held. More than 50 participants from all over the world were present in front of their computers. During the meeting, the members of IEB were presenting brief information about their activity and after that the representatives of sections could make a short speech to present the current situation in their sections.

The Polish Section President – Piotr Wójcik was also present at the meeting. He briefly informed the global authorities about the current situation in the Polish Section and on the behalf of all IPA Polish Section members, he wished all the meeting participants good health.